shaded park on a sunny day

Cathy Averill

Cathy Averill

Funeral Assistant

A resident of Southwest Michigan for over 50 years, Cathy has been in the funeral business for three years. She has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology & Marketing.

I have worked with Tom Starks and his daughters to understand the uniqueness of the funeral industry. Jason Storm has been my mentor. He has helped me to grow and taught me the art of meeting with families.

At one point, Tom told Cathy they only have one chance to get it right, and that has stuck with her in this career. 

On a daily basis, Cathy brings compassion and understanding to the job as she has been through the funeral planning process herself. She is also knowledgeable about the community — odds are she probably went to school or worked with someone in your family.

She is most proud of the leadership at Starks Family Funeral Homes, especially being a part of a team led by a third-generation family legacy. 

It is all about the people – and always wanting to exceed our families expectations for their celebration of their loved one. The details are very important and truly make a huge difference.

Cathy is also involved in the community with membership in each of these groups: Benton Harbor Promise, Lake Michigan College Foundation, Rotary of St. Joseph, Cornerstone Alliance and Chamber, Council for World Class Communities, Executive Working Woman, Women's Service League, American Staffing Association and Legacy Group. Over the years, she has been a business owner, founder, board member and community advocate. 

When she isn’t working or volunteering her time, she enjoys traveling, golfing, helping youth and reading. Cathy has been married to her husband Glenn for 37 years, and they have a son, Palmer, and daughter, Samantha.